Homeless Garden Project and Kind Marketing

Our Journey with Homeless Garden Project

In 2019 Kind Marketing™ started a journey with the Homeless Garden Project, a non-profit in Santa Cruz, CA that has served as a blueprint for many non-profits wishing to copy their impactful and successful model. Through the soil of their urban farms, it is their mission to provide the tools and life skills people need to build a home in this world…

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Brand Style vs. Brand Strategy

Brand Style vs. Brand Strategy

More than ever, we are seeing entrepreneurs, startups and small companies saying they need branding. However we’re finding out, what they’re usually after is actually brand style development; templates, a customized website theme and a logo to call their “brand”. For serious companies, this is and should be recognized as only one piece of the puzzle that comes after the strategy and positioning…

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New Client Art&Display

New Client Art&Display

Kind Marketing™ is thrilled to be working with Art&Display, a Santa Cruz native exhibit house hitting its 20 year anniversary this year. We have partnered with Art&Display for over five years on numerous client exhibiting projects and just absolutely love what they do…

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